
Learn more about becoming a sponsor:

Corporate Packet 2024-2025
Photo from the back of a Ericsson general meeting

Reach Out

We'd love to hear from you about sponsoring an event or general meeting! The best way to contact us for this is through email to our Corporate Director! logo
Dr. Yerraballi talks with a small group of students around him

General Meetings

We invite companies to talk about what they do and what opportunities are available for Electrical Engineers. Recruiters are welcome to discuss the application and interview process for internship and full-time positions. Tech talks are typically 1 hour long, include food, and may feature former UT graduates, a former intern panel, and/or videos and slides with information.

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Students in general meeting in classroom listen to the presenter

Social Events

IEEE is always excited to have corporate sponsors for our social events. Sponsored events in the past have been Smash Tournament, Fajita Fest, and more. Sponsors have the opportunity to send representatives to help coordinate activities and talk about their company. They typically provide swag or a prize depending on the event.

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Group photo of IEEE members and Optiver representatives outside on lawn.


For companies looking to provide more technical insight into their work, we host workshops where representatives present details about a specific technology that they are working on or have worked on in the past. Workshops are a great opportunity for employees and recruiters to interact with our members and learn about their interests and skills.

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Optiver representative chatting with 2 IEEE members

Corporate Packet

Download our corporate packet to learn about how to become a sponsor!

Corporate Packet 2024-2025